Time: June 9, 2021 from 3pm to 4:30pm
Location: webinar
Event Type: webinars
Organized By: Cornell Agroforestry Work Team
Latest Activity: Jun 11, 2021
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Wednesday, June 9, at 3 p.m.
Silvopasture (integrating trees, livestock, and forage) is gaining traction across the Northeast as a synergistic production system that can benefit land, livestock and farmers. But what can be said about its role in capturing and storing carbon? Cornell experts will share three increasingly common examples of silvopasture in New York and discuss their contributions to reducing atmospheric carbon.
With Brett Chedzoy, forester with Cornell Cooperative Extension of Schuyler County working regionally on forestry, agroforestry and grazing education and with over 30 years experience in silvopasture on Angus Glen Farm, and Steve Gabriel, extension specialist with the Cornell Small Farms Program and a farmer at Wellspring Forest Farm utilizing silvopasture for sheep and ducks. He authored Silvopasture which was released in 2019.
to register for this free webinar: 2021 Webinar Sign Up (google.com)
For additional agroforestry webinars:Agroforestry Webinar Series Will Showcase New Research, Techniques and More - Cornell Small Farms
I have a conflict at 3pm tomorrow. Will there be a recording I can view? And if so, where do I access that? Thanks!
tomorrow's webinar and the remaining webinars in the agroforestry series will be recorded and archived on the Cornell Small Farms website. I'll provide the link to the recordings here afterwards.
Hey, am I still able to join in on this webinar? Couldn’t find out how to log in.
the link to the you tube recoding says its a private video. How can you view it?
Steve will fix that, but he may not be able to do so until next week
Started by Gabe Smith. Last reply by Brett Chedzoy Feb 5. 1 Reply 0 Likes
Is there a reasonable way to manage grazing in the woods during winter or using it as an overwintering site in place of a barn (there is no current barn)? The woods are shruby with multiflora rose,…Continue
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Wondering what folks experience is with this plant Amorpha fruticosa... Here is a cool video that includes a silvopasture that is utilizing it:…Continue
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Can anyone share experiences with willow fodder for sheep? What cultivars did you use? Good sources for obtaining cuttings? What density did you plant? How did it work out? Did the sheep like…Continue
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I was watching this conference with Ian Mitchell Innes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27fUjjlwm7UAt about…Continue
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