Time: March 26, 2014 from 1pm to 2:15pm
Location: www.forestrywebinars.net
Event Type: webinar
Organized By: SREF
Latest Activity: Mar 27, 2014
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You are invited to attend our latest Live Webinar sponsored by: SREF.
Title: Silvopasturing: A Solution to Some 21st Century Challenges on Rural Landscapes
What will you learn?
Silvopasturing has vast potential throughout the country to increase the profitability of rural land ownership while at the same time addressing numerous environmental challenges through the sustainable and symbiotic production of timber and livestock on the same acreage. In the modern world of invasive plants, high land ownership costs, and mounting challenges to healthy and sustainable woodlands, it is worth taking a new look at silvopasturing as a valuable option for the management of some forested landscapes. Silvopasturing differs from woodlot grazing of the past in that the frequency and intensity of the grazing is controlled to achieve the desired objectives. New fencing systems, a better understanding of animal behavior and the evolution of “management intensive grazing” practices have enabled us to gain the necessary level of control over livestock to achieve positive impacts from silvopasturing. learn more here...
Started by Emily Macdonald. Last reply by Erica Frenay 9 hours ago. 4 Replies 0 Likes
Can anyone share experiences with willow fodder for sheep? What cultivars did you use? Good sources for obtaining cuttings? What density did you plant? How did it work out? Did the sheep like…Continue
Started by Scott O'Bar Aug 29. 0 Replies 0 Likes
I was watching this conference with Ian Mitchell Innes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27fUjjlwm7UAt about…Continue
Started by Scott O'Bar. Last reply by Scott O'Bar Jun 1. 2 Replies 0 Likes
Anyone know of some 12v water pumps that can produce a small trickle of water through a very small diameter tube. Interested in putting cattle on my property, but the water situation is difficult.Continue
Started by Travis Hermance Mar 18. 0 Replies 0 Likes
I am clearing my woodlots for silvopasture in the Mid-Hudson River Valley in New York State. Can anyone recommend a good mixture of grasses and legumes that are more shade tolerate for my new…Continue
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