Silvo-pasturing and mutli-species stocking in tropical Andean foothills


I have a family member who is an organic, pastured cattle rancher in somewhat southern Colombia (~3-4 degrees N of the equator).

He is very concerned with his grass health and would like to be able to grow lush grass. Currently he is able to graze his cattle in one spot, three times over the course of a year. He has a lot of land ~800ha.

He would like to raise other animals, hoping that it would be improve his sward health and bring more value to his land. He is also interested in silvo-pasturing if it would help achieve these goals.

He'd like to know:

  • what are good species to add,
  • in what order to graze them,
  • at what stocking rate should he graze a paddock:
    • of how large
    • for how long a time?
  • What trees could convey improved soil health as well as forage, fuel, or human food?

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