Jeff & Judy Pearson
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Chambersburg, PA
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We took ownership of the family farm in the Spring of 2023. Currently the entire farm is being fenced in and my wife and I have planted approximately 500 trees to get started. The farm was conventional corn and beans and starting to degrade as the renter made virtually no attempt to enhance fertility and had no concern for protecting the soil from compaction and erosion. We had the former crop land planted with a cover crop upon my Father in Laws death to begin protecting the soil. It did pretty well considering a month and a half with virtually no rain. Fortunately we had good rain right after planting and it had a chance to establish a good cover. Later this summer we plan on planting more permanent pasture grasses and of course more trees. The woodland (around 30 acres) is heavily infested with invasives such as Honeysuckle bushes and Tree of Heaven. We will deal with that over time. Currently we do not have livestock other than a few sheep, which have no access to pasture yet as the perimeter fence is not finished. We are investing in Trees, Fence and Livestock rather than big machinery. We have zero debt and plan to keep it that way. Our desire is to create conditions within our ability to protect, regenerate and restore the land. To help create a place that is a prime candidate for commercial development into a green space where a small ecosystem can be developed with thriving livestock in a managed grazing operation. This is our beginning.

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river locust anyone grazing animals on it

Started by Jonathan Bates Nov 14, 2024. 0 Replies

Wondering what folks experience is with this plant Amorpha fruticosa... Here is a cool video that includes a silvopasture that is utilizing it:…Continue

willow fodder block

Started by Emily Macdonald. Last reply by Joanne Vaughn Oct 4, 2024. 5 Replies

Can anyone share experiences with willow fodder for sheep?  What cultivars did you use? Good sources for obtaining cuttings? What density did you plant?  How did it work out? Did the sheep like…Continue

How Can We Know If Livestock Benefit or Harm Our Trees?

Started by Scott O'Bar Aug 29, 2024. 0 Replies

I was watching this conference with Ian Mitchell Innes: about…Continue

Off-grid low flow rate pumps

Started by Scott O'Bar. Last reply by Scott O'Bar Jun 1, 2024. 2 Replies

Anyone know of some 12v water pumps that can produce a small trickle of water through a very small diameter tube. Interested in putting cattle on my property, but the water situation is difficult.Continue


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