FREE Agroforestry Training Workshops Offered in Central Pennsylvania.
The PA DCNR Bureau of Forestry, Penn State and Shaver's Creek Environmental Center will host two agroforestry workshops in May.
Agroforestry is the intentional integration of trees and shrubs in combination with crops or livestock to create a system that is managed to provide economic, environmental and social benefits to landowners. The 5 key practices of agroforestry are Silvopasture – the integration of trees and livestock, Forest Farming - including such non-timber products as maple syrup, ramps, or mushrooms, Riparian Forest Buffers – planting trees along streams to enhance water quality, Windbreaks, and Alley Cropping – the intercropping of plants between rows of trees for food, fiber, or forage.
The first workshop will be held on May 15, 2012, at Rock Springs (Ag Progress Days) near State College in Centre County, and will focus on forest farming and windbreaks. Paul Patterson (PSU) will present a session on the use of vegetative windbreaks in poultry operations and will guide an afternoon tour of windbreak demonstration plantings. Windbreaks create both physical and visual barriers that are especially important in areas where development encroaches on farms. Eric Burkhart (Shaver’s Creek) and Jim Finley (Penn State School of Forest Resources) will lead a tour of the Rock Springs Demonstration Woodlot to highlight opportunities for development of non-timber forest products on farm woodlots. Registration is limited to 75 participants.
The second workshop is scheduled for May 17th in Mifflintown, Juniata County. This workshop will focus on Forest Farming and Silvopasturing. Our guest speaker will be Brett Chedzoy from Cornell Cooperative Extension. Brett is an extension forester and grazier who works and farms near Watkins Glen, NY. After lunch, we will travel to East Waterford and Blue Rooster Farm, where State Forest District Manager Roy Brubaker will lead a discussion of the agroforestry practices he is implementing on his farm. Registration for this session is limited to 30 participants.
The really good news is that registration is FREE (if postmarked before April 30th).
These workshops are sponsored through a US Forest Service grant to promote agroforestry in Pennsylvania.
The registration form is available at:
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