Time: August 27, 2018 all day
Location: Aracaju, Sergipe, Brazil
City/Town: Aracaju
Website or Map: https://doity.com.br/iii-enco…
Event Type: meeting
Organized By: Érico de Sá Petit Lobão
Latest Activity: Jul 12, 2018
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The III International Meeting on Productive Conservation will be held on August 27, 2018, in the city of Aracaju-SE, during the XII Brazilian Congress of Agroforestry Systems (CBSAF), a biennial event of the Brazilian Society of Agroforestry Systems (SBSAF). This meeting is the result of an initiative of the Research Group on Productive Conservation (GPCP) of the State University of Santa Cruz (UESC) started in 2012, together with its partners and support of the Bahia Development and Action (EBSAGS) and the First Meeting of the Peoples of Cabruca, in the promotion of greater integration between institutions and public technical and scientific-academic organizations with organizations (associations, cooperatives, NGOs, etc.) and private companies responsible for the agricultural and livestock production chain of the Cacao Region of Bahia, mainly focused on strengthening regional family agriculture. Since then, GPCP has carried out a series of actions and events to consolidate productive conservation as a regional sustainable development initiative based on the cabruca system, an agroforestry system model consolidated for more than 250 years in Bahian cacauicultura, scientifically approved and aligned with the objectives of sustainable development (ODS) and was presented and recognized during ECO-92. During the last five years, the GPCP supported by CAPES and partners was instructed to hold the International Meeting on Productive Conservation, due to the need to garner more support and efforts on the permanent defense of a Productive Conservation plan and program capable of generate new technologies, as well as generate more research around the multiple contributions of this regional human process, which involves not only the agricultural segment as an economic provider, but above all for all of its assets that are clearly present in the daily life of the Cocoa Region, social inclusion, the generation of opportunities and extra income in informal markets, as well as in the conservation and protection of the local biodiversity of its associated ecosystems.
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