Érico de Sá Petit Lobão
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  • Itbuna, BA
  • Brazil
  • Érico Lobão
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Online International Congress on Beef Cattle

Started this discussion. Last reply by Érico de Sá Petit Lobão Sep 10, 2020. 1 Reply

The International Online Congress on Beef Cattle (CONACORTE) is an event for all stakeholders in the beef production chain, especially for lovers of quality information from one of the largest world…Continue

Tags: https://congresse.me/eventos/conacorte

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Érico de Sá Petit Lobão replied to Érico de Sá Petit Lobão's discussion Online International Congress on Beef Cattle
Sep 10, 2020
Érico de Sá Petit Lobão left a comment for Dana Havas
"WElcom Dana!!!"
Sep 7, 2020
Érico de Sá Petit Lobão posted a discussion

Online International Congress on Beef Cattle

The International Online Congress on Beef Cattle (CONACORTE) is an event for all stakeholders in the beef production chain, especially for lovers of quality information from one of the largest world industries in the food segment. It is a sector responsible for a GDP of 6.5 billion dollars in 2018, 30% of the Agricultural GDP and 8.7% of the National GDP, with about 1.6 million tons of meat shipped, from 10 , 5 million heads slaughtered, of these 2.5 million exported to more than 140…See More
Sep 7, 2020
Érico de Sá Petit Lobão updated their profile
Sep 7, 2020
Érico de Sá Petit Lobão posted an event

Online International Congress on Beef Cattle at Online

November 16, 2020 at 5pm to November 20, 2020 at 10pm
The International Online Congress on Beef Cattle (CONACORTE) is an event for all stakeholders in the beef production chain, especially for lovers of quality information from one of the largest world industries in the food segment. It is a sector responsible for a GDP of 6.5 billion dollars in 2018, 30% of the Agricultural GDP and 8.7% of the National GDP, with about 1.6 million tons of meat shipped, from 10 , 5 million heads slaughtered, of these 2.5 million exported to more than 140…See More
Sep 5, 2020
Érico de Sá Petit Lobão posted a status
Sep 5, 2020

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I love animals and I am working and studing animals all my life.
I would like to improve the scientific methods and productive systems to carry and use animals.
My personal dream is create a space for retired animals to rescue and save them until them natural death.

Substitute Professor at Federal Institute of Minas Gerais South (Fev-Jul/2020). Experiences: teaching students on biology, agronomy and animal science graduation, as on livestock technical level; Disciplines: Animal anatomy and fisiology; Compared anatomy and fisiology; Animal metabolism; Planning and care on pig husbandry; Poltry and beekeeping activity; Acquaculture and pig husbandry.  Researcher collaborator DCR (FAPEMAT/CNPq) - Embrapa Agrossilvipastoril (Feb/2018-Jun/2019). Project: "Farm-Livestock-Forest Integration for breeding and rearing systems". Supervisor: DSc Luciano Bastos Lopes. Experiences: bases of integration between crop-livestock-forest (iLPF); animal production in iLPF; efficiency and reproductive management, protocols for induction of precocity, physiology of reproduction; parasitic control (endo and ecto); precision animal husbandry (management of rangeland, pasture management); bromatological evaluation with NIR spectrophotometer; accomplishment of technical event; postgraduate teaching activity; field routine and research. Substitute Professor - CEUNES / UFES (May-Aug /2017). Experiences: teaching activity in undergraduate; production of ruminants; production of non-ruminants; physiology and animal anatomy; environmental management and management; directed studies in silvopastoral systems; academic routine. Pronatec Professor - IFBA / Campus-Ilhéus (2014-2015). Experiences: teaching activity in technical education; methods of preserving food of animal and plant origin; animal husbandry; course preparation; academic routine. Post-doctoral in Animal Science in the Tropics - UFBA (2013-2014). Supervisor: DSc Gleidison Giordano P. Carvalho. Project: "Peanut and cotton pie, from the production of biodiesel, in diets for sheep and goats". Experiences: Postgraduate teaching activity; conducting events, reviewing papers and academic-scientific articles; management and academic routine. Doctor of Zootechnics - Forragicultura - UFPB (2009-2013). Advisor: DSc Alberício Pereira Andrade. TESE: "The effect of organic fertilization on the production and quality of sunflower cake". Experiences: forage farming; animal nutrition; evaluation and production of dryland food for the production of ruminants; Teaching activity at undergraduate level; conducting academic events; instructor in mini courses; presentation and orientation of academic-scientific works; composition of examining bank. Master in Applied Zoology - Wild Animal Breeding - UESC (2004-2006). Advisor: DSc Sérgio Luiz G. Nogueira Filho. Dissertation: "Analysis of the conflicts between rural producers and wild mammals in the cacao region of Southern Bahia - central corridor of the Atlantic Forest". Experiences: capture, containment, breeding and nutritional, sanitary and reproductive management of wild animals; ethology; monitoring and traceability; survey and resolution of fauna-man conflicts; teaching in animal welfare, ecology and wild breeding; the accomplishment of academic-scientific events; teaching activity at graduation. Passant - University of the Republic - URU (May-June 2000). Improvement in Ruminant Production (200h). Tutors: DSc Steban Krall and DSc Diego Antonio Mattiauda. Experiences: management of facilities and equipment; animal nutrition; ethology; dairy cattle; beef cattle; production systems; research and rural extension; agroindustry of meat. Bachelor in Animal Science - UFV (1996-2001). TCC: Seminar "Sistema Cabruca". Project: "Recommendation of Fiber Levels and their Effectiveness in Industry By-Products in Diets for Dairy Goats". Internships: Poultry (1998); Caprinocultura-UFV (1999-2001). Experiences: sanitary, nutritional and reproductive management of birds and small ruminants; animal nutrition; ethology; lab routine and capril; production in confinement. Other: Deputy Leader - GPCP / UESC (2012-current); Scientific Director - FUNPAB (2014-current); Adviser - SRI (2002-2014); Ad hoc consultant - CDAC (2005-2012) - Experiences: conservation-productive; use-multiple and rational use of natural resources; cabruca system; agroforestry systems.

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overwintering sheep in the woods

Started by Gabe Smith. Last reply by Brett Chedzoy Feb 5. 1 Reply

Is there a reasonable way to manage grazing in the woods during winter or using it as an overwintering site in place of a barn (there is no current barn)? The woods are shruby with multiflora rose,…Continue

river locust anyone grazing animals on it

Started by Jonathan Bates Nov 14, 2024. 0 Replies

Wondering what folks experience is with this plant Amorpha fruticosa... Here is a cool video that includes a silvopasture that is utilizing it:…Continue

willow fodder block

Started by Emily Macdonald. Last reply by Joanne Vaughn Oct 4, 2024. 5 Replies

Can anyone share experiences with willow fodder for sheep?  What cultivars did you use? Good sources for obtaining cuttings? What density did you plant?  How did it work out? Did the sheep like…Continue

How Can We Know If Livestock Benefit or Harm Our Trees?

Started by Scott O'Bar Aug 29, 2024. 0 Replies

I was watching this conference with Ian Mitchell Innes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27fUjjlwm7UAt about…Continue


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