Time: July 23, 2014 from 9:45am to 3:30pm
Location: USDA NRCS Big Flats Plant Materials Center
Street: 3266 State Route 352
City/Town: Big Flats, NY
Website or Map: http://events.r20.constantcon…
Phone: 607-562-8404
Event Type: workshop, and, tour
Organized By: Paul Salon and Big Flats Plant Materials Center Staff
Latest Activity: Jul 17, 2014
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The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Big Flats Plant Materials Center is hosting its 8th Biomass Energy Workshop with Tour on July 23rd. There will be a demo of a biomass gasification and power generator, powdered biomass burner and a John Deere Gator powered by a syngas generator using biomass pellets. There will be presentations from Cornell University on Bioenergy Grasses on Marginal Soils, Penn State Extension on New Uses and Markets for Bioenergy Crops, Southern Tier Biomass and Steuben Co. SWCD on Evaluating Emissions from Combustion of Densified Grasses in a Commercial Gasification Boiler and Mesa Engineering and NY Biomass Energy Alliance on the Industry Perspective on NY Renewable Heat Programs. During the field tour, there will be presentations on establishment of grasses and willows, mangement of diseases and an update on breeding of switchgrass at Cornell and other institutions. THERE WILL BE 4.5 SAF Category 1-CF credits (APPROVED), 2.5 CCA CREDITS AND 1.0 PESTICIDE CREDITS FOR THIS WORKSHOP.
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