Joe Repetur
  • Male
  • Cairo, NY
  • United States
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Silvopasture class in Albany NY

Started Jul 19, 2020 0 Replies

I picked up a copy of The Stockman Grass Farmer newspaper and saw a flyer for two upcoming classes they are going to have September 25th-27th in Albany NY. The first is Grazier's Multi Species…Continue

Starting a silvopasture in the woods

Started this discussion. Last reply by Cydney Cornell Mar 21, 2022. 8 Replies

We have about 20+ acres of woods we can use as a silvopasture, but we're not sure how to start it. The woods are a mess, and we're not sure if we should "clear cut" and start over, or?? We have a lot…Continue

New to silvopasture

Started Jul 20, 2018 0 Replies

Hi,My family and I have a small pasture poultry farm and we are looking at purchasing a 43 acre farm which has about 32 acres of woods .  My first thought was clearing it and turning it into…Continue

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Cydney Cornell replied to Joe Repetur's discussion Starting a silvopasture in the woods
"I agree, I have thinned twice and lost 3 important trees that either couldn't tolerate the wind without the other trees next to them or the weight of the skidder damaged their roots.  I think it's just something to be prepared for…"
Mar 21, 2022
Cydney Cornell replied to Joe Repetur's discussion Starting a silvopasture in the woods
Mar 21, 2022
Joe Repetur replied to Joe Repetur's discussion Starting a silvopasture in the woods
"I listen to everyone, and file their information accordingly. I've talked to many people about developing a silvopasture, and of all the people, someone from Caterpillar warned me to be careful of the root systems when I'm taking out…"
Jul 22, 2020
Ben Harris replied to Joe Repetur's discussion Starting a silvopasture in the woods
"definitely listen to them, and not me!"
Jul 20, 2020
Joe Repetur replied to Joe Repetur's discussion Starting a silvopasture in the woods
"Thanks for the info, I was debating on the order of the animals. I also got in touch with my local NRCS office, and they're going to help me with a plan. "
Jul 20, 2020
Ben Harris replied to Joe Repetur's discussion Starting a silvopasture in the woods
"woooooey! A year or two of goats or sheep to help thin the underbrush? Then a season of pigs to disturb the ground for seeding (don't over-winter them... send 'em to the butcher instead)? Obviously you'd need to come through with your…"
Jul 20, 2020
Joe Repetur posted a discussion

Silvopasture class in Albany NY

I picked up a copy of The Stockman Grass Farmer newspaper and saw a flyer for two upcoming classes they are going to have September 25th-27th in Albany NY. The first is Grazier's Multi Species Grazing School the 25th and 26th, and Grazier's Silvopasture School on the 27th. I tried to post the flyer, but apparently that is beyond my capabilities. You can get more information at See More
Jul 19, 2020
Joe Repetur replied to Joe Repetur's discussion Starting a silvopasture in the woods
"It's has a lot of overgrown underbrush, Widow makers, standing dead,(some of which is rotted) and piles of old cut trees from who knows how long ago. We alao have a lot of stinging nettle, honey suckle everywhere."
Jun 5, 2020
Jeff Jourdain replied to Joe Repetur's discussion Starting a silvopasture in the woods
"Joe- What do you mean by a 'mess'?   When was the last time it was cut?  Did the forester recommend giving it 5 years for a harvest or to start converting to a silvopasture? Jeff"
Jun 5, 2020
Joe Repetur posted a discussion

Starting a silvopasture in the woods

We have about 20+ acres of woods we can use as a silvopasture, but we're not sure how to start it. The woods are a mess, and we're not sure if we should "clear cut" and start over, or?? We have a lot of Northern White Pines which I know are good for lumber, along with some Birch, Oak, Maple and not sure. I had a forester look, and recommended giving it 5 years, but we don't know if we can look at the over grown mess for 5 years. Anyone else start off with woods rather than pasture?
Jun 5, 2020
Joe Repetur updated their profile
May 19, 2020
Joe Repetur posted photos
Feb 6, 2020
Joe Repetur posted a status
"We finally did It! After 9 months, we finally closed on our new homestead in VT. Now we're working on moving, and getting things going."
Feb 6, 2020
Joe Repetur liked Jesse Matt's discussion Traits of a good silvopastoralist
Aug 7, 2019
Joe Repetur liked Brett Chedzoy's discussion Planted Silvopatures
Aug 7, 2019
Joe Repetur posted a status
"All goes well, we'll be closing on a place in VT in a few weeks. The other place in NY fell through. The new place has 30 acres of woods."
Aug 7, 2019

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We are in the process of purchasing a property in Vermont. We raise chickens for eggs, and meat, and we want to eventually raise heritage breed cattle, sheep, pigs and poultry.

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Comment Wall (1 comment)

At 9:36am on April 16, 2020, James Pollard said…

Good Day,

How is everything with you, I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and deemed it necessary to write you immediately. I have something very vital to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on ( for the full details.
Have a nice day
Thanks God bless.

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river locust anyone grazing animals on it

Started by Jonathan Bates Nov 14, 2024. 0 Replies

Wondering what folks experience is with this plant Amorpha fruticosa... Here is a cool video that includes a silvopasture that is utilizing it:…Continue

willow fodder block

Started by Emily Macdonald. Last reply by Joanne Vaughn Oct 4, 2024. 5 Replies

Can anyone share experiences with willow fodder for sheep?  What cultivars did you use? Good sources for obtaining cuttings? What density did you plant?  How did it work out? Did the sheep like…Continue

How Can We Know If Livestock Benefit or Harm Our Trees?

Started by Scott O'Bar Aug 29, 2024. 0 Replies

I was watching this conference with Ian Mitchell Innes: about…Continue

Off-grid low flow rate pumps

Started by Scott O'Bar. Last reply by Scott O'Bar Jun 1, 2024. 2 Replies

Anyone know of some 12v water pumps that can produce a small trickle of water through a very small diameter tube. Interested in putting cattle on my property, but the water situation is difficult.Continue


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